Top Five Reasons Your Business Needs a Visitor Identification Software

Close your eyes, and picture yourself back in the third grade. Class is just about to wrap up for the day when your teacher announces, “since we have a few minutes left, should we play one game of Heads Up 7 Up?”

The whole class goes crazy.

The teacher randomly selects seven students to come to the front of the room. You’re left sitting at your desk. You and the rest of the class follow your duties by closing your eyes, placing your forehead on the cold, damp desk, and sticking your right-hand thumb into the air.

Silence overwhelms the classroom.

The seven students trickle through the rows of the class, weaving in and out of the desks. There’s no peaking, not even the old, look-for-the-shoes trick.

Suddenly the pressure of a warm, clammy hand presses your thumb down to meet your pointer finger. You think, “finally, a warm lead.”

The seven students shuffle back to the front of the room as the teacher whispers, “heads up 7 up.” Heads slowly rise from the desk. The teacher is looking at you, nudging you to answer first. A hot flash hits you like a brick wall. Your eyes scan back and forth between the seven candidates. You have no clue who it could be.

Flash forward and imagine a similar scenario, but you’re 30 years old in a leadership meeting at your corporate headquarters, chatting about that overwhelming sales and marketing goal for the upcoming quarter. Competition is increasing, and traditional analytics tools are not providing you with the information you need to retarget or reach out.

Insert Report Rover, a website visitor identification software that tracks IP addresses to show you what companies are visiting your website and what products and services they’re interested in.

Not convinced you need it just yet? Here are the top five reasons your business needs Report Rover, a website visitor identification software:

1. Identify Warm Leads and Potential Clients

Did you know that only 2% of website visitors fill out a contact form? That means 98% of your website traffic goes unidentified. Don’t miss out on potential sales prospects! With a website visitor identification software, you can identify visitors and convert them into customers by driving them through your sales funnel after just one website visit.

Many traditional web analytics and lead gen tools lack the necessary information about website visitors and prospective clients. With Report Rover, we show you the exact companies visiting your website. We combine this data with other valuable analytics like user journey so you can see where they traveled throughout your website and source/medium so you can see how they got to your website in the first place. With this information, you can determine what your potential clients are looking for before serving them with ads or reaching out.

Google Analytics and Report Rover data
Google Analytics and Report Rover data

2. Increase Sales and Marketing Efficiency

Report Rover is like a FastPass through the sales process. On top of identifying companies that visit your website, Report Rover gives you insight into what products and services they’re interested in. This helps shorten the sales cycle by targeting them for exactly what they want.

The Report Rover dashboard also pulls in valuable company data, including annual revenue, number of employees, and location. This helps your company determine whether the user is a valuable sales prospect or not based on your target client.

3. Campaign Tracking and Personalization

Report Rover is a helpful campaign tracking tool for online and offline campaigns. It’s hard to get people to convert, much less on the first or second try. With Report Rover, you’ll be able to see who hits your website, or landing page, to decide if the campaign and reach were successful. Prior to starting a campaign, Report Rover helps you identify your target audience and messaging based on website visitor journeys. Personalizing your campaign to make more compelling offers for specific products can help you sell. About 80% of consumers say they are more likely to make a purchase when a brand offers a personalized experience. Report Rover gives you the information you need to create niche campaigns.

4. Website Optimization

A unique feature offered by Report Rover is the Website Performance Evaluation page. This page features several different website metrics, including users, sessions, page views, and average session duration. With all your data in one cohesive place, it’s easier to comprehend and create actionable outputs. The data is centered around your visitors, so you can determine which pages on your website require maintenance, edits, or special attention based on certain traffic flows.

5. Competitor Insight and Behavior

Competition is increasing in every industry. Report Rover helps you stay ahead of your competition by providing information that helps marketers understand visitors’ likelihood to purchase. Additionally, potential clients are not the only users visiting your website. Often, your competitors scroll through your site to gather information about services, employees, and other insights. Understanding where your competitors spend time on your website will help you identify their interests and stay ahead of the game.

Report Rover

It's your missing puzzle piece.

Nurture your warm leads, maximize your marketing investment, and make your life easier with Report Rover. Start your free 30-day trial today.